Monthly Archives September 2012

Once upon a time, air travel was elegant and cool. Maybe even comfortable. Those days are long gone, and getting on an airplane is fraught with inconvenience and tension. But wait! Maybe the better-than-miserable in-flight experience is making a comeback! The key is technology. At USA Today, Harriet Baskas writes that the Airline Passenger Experience Association is looking at creating…

SARS – the potentially deadly respiratory infection that was a huge global news story almost a decade ago – might be back. Global health officials are keeping their eyes on a SARS-related virus, Coronavirus, that appears to have originated in the Saudi Arabia and has now spread to London. Spread” might be overstating it; a man from Qatar was transferred…

Once upon a time, flying was luxurious. We’re well past that reality; flying to a destination has become very utilitarian, with crowded seating, slapdash meals, stale air and long waits. There can be no question that most travelers view flying as a necessary evil that separates them from the thrill of time away. But this week the Interwebs were buzzing…

We’ve all had this business trip, right? You’re late leaving the office, traffic to the airport is horrendous and then the line for security is a mile long. The flight is delayed, your seatmate is less than benign, and the hotel bed is lousy. Ugh. Not the best way to be nice and fresh for a day of meetings a…

Northern Africa and the Middle East is a part of the globe rich with human history, and therefore a fascinating destination to visit. It is also a region prone to be very volatile, and we saw that again this week. Deadly protests that began in Libya and Egypt at the start of the week have, as of Friday morning, spread…

Everywhere you turn, people are concerned with the environment. The green movement has raised our awareness of the importance of being good stewards of the Earth; whether people drive Priuses or simply recycle, we’ve come a long way from the iconic Native American tear being shed. But not all the way. This is still a significant problem in much of…

A key focus here at Healthy Travel Blog is promoting opportunities for exercise while you’re traveling; so we’ve written a lot about running and biking and working out in the hotel fitness center. But what if that’s not your game? What if you want play some tennis in Hong Kong, or play softball in Sydney, or hoop it up in…

The headlines scream things about horrifying illnesses and diseases that can seem terrifying – flesh-eating bacteria, ebola, hantavirus, etc. When you’re preparing for a trip abroad, these headlines can turn a little trepidation into full-blown paranoia – what if I catch some hideous brain-devouring disease while I’m on that safari? But as the Wall Street Journal’s Heidi Mitchell writes, the…

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